Monday, August 7, 2006

Thank You & I'm Back

Thank you to many of you for your kind words of support during these past few difficult weeks. For those who did not know why I was away for more than 3 weeks, I had to fly to my hometown for my mother's funeral.

She had been ill for the past 8 months and finally succumbed to complications from her previous surgery. The only consolation I have is knowing that she no longer suffers from her illness and, of course, the love and support I received from my family, friends and all of you who offered me your soothing words of sympathy. For this, I again thank you so very much.

I have just returned to home in LA yesterday night. Several topics and TNs are already in my mind, so I look forward to writing, tasting and updating this blogsite again soon...perhaps after the jetlag is gone.


  1. Welcome back. When your jetlag has faded, we should meet up again.

    I hope all is as well as can be given the circumstances...

  2. We should, Jason. And all is well with me, thank you. I reckon that I'm behind on my notes for the puerh taste off (week 3, 4, and 5 samples). Lots of catching up to do...

  3. Glad that you are finally back : )
    I got some really good goodies waiting for you, my dear tea friend! They sure can curl any jet-lags that last longer then 3 days.
    My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.


  4. Oh, thank you very much, Tim, for the kind words and the goodies! I'll send you a private email soon.

  5. I'm very sorry to hear that Phyll. I just went through the same thing with my father - and it sucks. Hang in there - see you at Xiles.

  6. Thank you. I am very sorry to hear about your loss, Joey. My poor old father...I'm worried about him now.
