I just found out yesterday -- by scrutinizing the fine prints on the label -- that the Whole Foods Market's 365 Organic brand spring water is actually "Bottled at the CG Roxane Spring Source in Olancha, CA 93549." CG Roxane is none other than the bottler of Crystal Geyser Spring Water, which is one of my favorite water brands for brewing my teas. Apparently, CG Roxane bottles their water at 5 different "sources" across the United States. Whole Foods Market seems to have contracted the water producer to market its house water brand. They are effectively the same, at least in California.
Well, not quite...
At my Whole Foods Market, the Crystal Geyser costs $1.30 per gallon, while the 365 Organic costs $1 per gallon. A 30% hike for the same good stuff. You do the math...I'm picking up the cheaper bottle from now on.
I totally guessed it! I noticed the same thing at our whole foods, and I've been using the 99 cent store brand water at work.
But I think you can get Crystal Geyser for 99 cents at the 99 cent store too!
Well, to be technically correct, the 365 Organic water costs 99 cents in WFM. But my brain refuses to be tricked by this sales gimmick. 99 cents is really 1 dollar! :)
Surely they shouldn't be allowed to advertise water with 'organic' on the label. Unless they have found a way to grow water without pesticides!
Have you done a taste test to make sure they're the same thing?
Yeah... I know 99 cents and a dollar are the same thing. But my point is that a lot of places sell Crystal Geyser for the same price as Whole Foods is selling their store branded one.
RE: 365 Organics - that's Whole Foods's store brand. I don't think they're listing their water as "organically grown" or anything.
Product misrepresentation? Is water inorganic by nature? Can't be too sure these days...
I jest, of course.
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