Just a quick note to say that my blog, as it unintentionally turned out, is best viewed with MS Internet Explorer. Apparently, if viewed with Firefox, the background does not load properly and it remains gray. Not that anything is wrong if you prefer the bland gray background. Some images were designed to blend with the white background in mind, however. Thanks for reading my blog.
Indeed all I see is a gray background... its OK really......
On another note, I didn't know people still used IE ;) hehe
I use Firefox and just assumed the site had a grey background. I just checked it out in IE and it looks totally different. I'm very surprised that Google has not tested their blog themes on all browsers (at least on Firefox!)
How did you find out? Just downloaded Firefox?
I'm embarrased to say that I'm rather computer illiterate. I know my MS Office well, but beyond that it's a steep learning curve for me.
In all fairness, I'm using a 3rd party template...not a google/blogger template. I knew it has problems with Firefox quite a while ago, but the last time I checked my statcounter (many months ago), only a small number of visitors use Firefox.
Lo and behold, I just checked statcounter again today and found that 50% of visitors use IE, 40% uses Firefox, and the rest Safari and Opera!
If anyone out there know how I can fix this, please let me know. Thanks!
Honestly, I don't think it's that big a deal - it still looks ok in Firefox! I don't know if there's much you can do to fix it other than get a different template (or see if there is a newer version of the one you have) and try it out on a couple of different browsers.
But ... I like the gray!
I'm using linux, so IE isn't really an option... However, the site certainly doesn't look bad in grey; It gives things a the calming/simple/minimalist feel =)
I'm one of those weirdos using opera, and I see white.
(ugh, and there you can see the effect of Daylight Savings Time on my brain... I think I need some very decaffeinated tea)
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